Thursday, May 15, 2008

China's Quake

I did not read an article about the quake in china that devastated so many. Instead I talked about it with my mother. Th quake was a 7.8 on the quake scale. That is the most powerful quake in China in three decades. The number of people killed is, as of now, unknown. But one thing is for sure; the total number of deaths is very high. My mother told me some of the things she heard at work. She told me one story of two grandparents carrying their dead grandson for two days without putting him down, because they did not want to put him on the rubble, debris. Another of how a live baby was found under his dead mother and father because they had covered, protected, him from all of it. His parents had blocked him from being hit by everything that falling around them. These are two true stories from this incredibly destructive quake. I feel that this quake has done much damage to China and China's people. It is amazing to think that so many people have died and yet, I don't feel any different and I didn't even know there was a quake. There are some things that you just cannot control, you wish you could, but you can't. You don't feel any different, but you know something major that effected so many has occured. This and this is one of those things...


David Carpenter said...

Well written and insightful. With the one child policy in China the families are losing so much when one child dies.