Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Last Samurai: Traditional vs Mordern

The Last Samurai is a great movie showing the conflict when change is introduced. When the Americans begin selling guns, and effected Japan's culture more noticeably, the samurai are unhappy. The samurai are the traditional warriors in Japan, and they want their ways of life to remain the same. They believe in the sword, and death by the sword. So, they form a rebellion for the better of their country. The emperor of Japan is being manipulated by one his council, because he is weak and indecisive. The samurai serve their emperor and know wheat is best or their home.
In the final scene of the movie, after all of the other samurai are killed, Tom Cruise presents the samurai leaders sword to the emperor. In this moment, he realizes what he was doing was wrong. He says that the treaty with America is not what is best for his people, and that they mustn't forget who they our, and their Traditional ways of life. To be proud of who you are, and what you stand for. The samurai believed in serving the emperor for the better of the country, and they fought to their death to show that modernization was not best for Japan.