I have recently read an article about a highly ranked North Korean Man who defected from North Korea and is seeking asylum at the South Korean Embassy located in Beijing. The mans name is Hwang Jang Yop, age 72. He defected because he was fed up with his countries leadership. North Korea paid no attention to that and claim that if he is in the hands of South Korea that he must have been kidnapped. This reaction from North Korea is not unusual. South Korea reacted to the kidnapping accusation with "Preposterous". North Korea promised that if that turns out to be the case that their would be unspecified retaliation. South Korea then placed their 650,000-member military on high alert. South Korea's Foreign Minister will leave for Singapore on thursday for talks with his Chinese counterpart to try to resolve the crisis.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Defector says he's fed up with North Korean dictatorship
Posted by Jordan Willis on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 3 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Levels of Learning
1. Remembering Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory, eg. find out, learn terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts
2. Understanding Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining. Understand uses and implications of terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts
3. Applying Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or implementing. Make use of, apply practice theory, solve problems, use information in new situations
4. Analyzing Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing. Take concepts apart, break them down, analyze structure, recognize assumptions and poor logic, evaluate relevancy
5. Evaluating Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing. Set standards, judge using standards, evidence, rubrics, accept or reject on basis of criteria
6. Creating Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing. Put things togther; bring together various parts; write theme, present speech, plan experiment, put information together in a new & creative way
Posted by Jordan Willis on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1 comments
WWII Video Reaction
In class we watched a video about WWII. WWII is a very interesting topic to study and learn about. When I was watching the video I wondered why the Axis power would have lost the war. I mean, they had a very strong army with many soldiers in it. Also, during the war the Axis power conquered much land, why after the war did they not keep that land? Why did they not keep some of it at least? Seeing the scene where the huge groups of people were gathered and listening to their leader, that was amazing to me. That many people listening to one person talk. It's unbelievable. The guy in power that they were listening to and cheering for was the same guy who wanted to kill all Jews and he was a dictator. Why, i thought, why would anybody want to listen to him speak? If anyone went against Hitler or dictatorship they would most likely be killed. Hitler had this group, the Secret Police, who would report back everything bad, anything at all, and the person who said it. So, that may be why people went along with Hitler and dictatorship. They were afraid that if they disagreed they would have been killed. There was nothing they could do about it. If people did not show patriotism they would either be killed or prosecuted.
Posted by Jordan Willis on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 0 comments
Animal Rights
In our class, Animal Anatomy, we are determining what rights are, and which animals deserve rights. We have to answer two questions. 1) What is a right? 2) What animals would we have the right to disect(why) and which animals do we not have the right to disect(why). We are writing our blogs on this topic. I hope you enjoy.
A right is something that everybody has and deserves. Rights depend on you maturity. So, you receive more rights with age and responsibility. Through life you become more mature and deserve more rights and freedoms. “With rights comes great responsibility”. Not every right can be measured by how responsible you are. For example, you cannot figure out for everyone if they are responsible enough to drive a car. In this case the right is based on your age. When people think that you should be responsible enough to so something. When you are 18 you can drive, you can drink, and you can party. Rights may be equally deserved by everyone, but can also be taken away from anyone. For example, if you murder somebody else you lose your right to freedom and are sent away to jail. Rights are something we all get to have, but can also lose. Rights are something you deserve from maturing and aging.
We as humans more evolved than animals may think we have the right to kill and dissect animals of nature, but we really don’t. Animals have the right to live, which means we do not have the right to kill. However, say we did have the right to kill and cut open other species, which would we have the most right to kill and dissect? We would be able to dissect anything from a shrimp to a rat. That would include the small things. Creatures like mice, small lizards, small birds, and insects. Those are a few of the small creatures we would be able to kill and cut. I, myself, do not believe in killing or cutting animals except for food. I am one to support animal rights.
I believe that we should not be able to kill or dissect any creature. I do not feel that cutting any animal open should be aloud. We as humans have no right to injure or kill any creatures of this great earth. Primates are something we should not be aloud to do anything to, yet you can find videos online of people doing practice surgeries on baby chimps. Where is the moral, the ethics? What makes we people so much better then them? Are we, are we really? We are just the same, and they deserve just the same.
Why do some people think it is okay to dissect animals like rats, but not okay to dissect pandas? We determine this by respect. If we respect an animal, we respect their rights. All animals have the same rights. We just do not respect all of them. Cockroaches, for example, we have no respect for. So, we feel it is okay to kill them. Dogs (mans best friend), we respect, so we treat them different and respect their rights as well. We humans have no right to treat different animals differently. All animals big or small, important or not, maintain the right to have their rights. We cannot take them away from the animals. One way we determine how useful an animal is is by how useful they are to us. If an animal is useful we show them respect. If not, they receive nothing. A dog is a useful animal. Dogs do a lot of stuff for people. We show them respet, and let them keep their rights. Mosquitos, on the other hand, are useless to us. They do nothing to benefit the human race. So, we show them no respect, give them no rights, and smack when we see them.
All animals deserve their rights. We have no right to take the rights from another animal. We should not be able to determine whether an animal deserves more or less rights. We need to show respect to all animals. We shouldn’t care how useful an animal is. We should let them live in peace, respected.
Posted by Jordan Willis on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
MY 100% Democratic Family
If my family in the future were 100% democratic it would not be difficult to explain how things would work in the household. Everyone would have equal power and responsibilities. The positives of this would be that the children would not be punished, and the parents would have less responsibility and stress. The negatives to a 100% democratic family would be that the children would be invincible to punishment, and the school would constantly be complaining about the children. Some of the troubles that might occur are majority rules (if you have 3+ kids). I will not have a 100% Democratic family.
Posted by Jordan Willis on Sunday, April 13, 2008 4 comments
Active Learning with Greece
Through my Greek project I am displaying myself as an active learner. I am able to go out and do research, find pictures, and make a video on my own. I am finding more information than I need to use, but learning the information. I enjoy researching ancient Greece. It is a very interesting topic.
Posted by Jordan Willis on Sunday, April 13, 2008 0 comments
Ancient Greece Project
I am currently working on a project on ancient Greece and feel it is going very well. I have chosen the topic of Gods. I thought of a few questions /that I wanted to answer in my presentation. Those questions are, “Why did the ancient Greeks have Gods?” and, “Who are the main Gods, and what do hey do?”. I have been able to answer these questions pretty easily and am now working on my video. I have picked three Gods to really tell about; Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. I am feeling good about this project and cannot wait to present.
Posted by Jordan Willis on Sunday, April 13, 2008 0 comments