Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WWII Video Reaction

In class we watched a video about WWII. WWII is a very interesting topic to study and learn about. When I was watching the video I wondered why the Axis power would have lost the war. I mean, they had a very strong army with many soldiers in it. Also, during the war the Axis power conquered much land, why after the war did they not keep that land? Why did they not keep some of it at least? Seeing the scene where the huge groups of people were gathered and listening to their leader, that was amazing to me. That many people listening to one person talk. It's unbelievable. The guy in power that they were listening to and cheering for was the same guy who wanted to kill all Jews and he was a dictator. Why, i thought, why would anybody want to listen to him speak? If anyone went against Hitler or dictatorship they would most likely be killed. Hitler had this group, the Secret Police, who would report back everything bad, anything at all, and the person who said it. So, that may be why people went along with Hitler and dictatorship. They were afraid that if they disagreed they would have been killed. There was nothing they could do about it. If people did not show patriotism they would either be killed or prosecuted.